Caister Bowls Club, located in the heart of the 2000-year-old village of Caister-On-Sea in Norfolk, has been at its present home since 1968. The club boasts a superb green and offers excellent facilities, including a modern pavilion, licensed bar, and catering. With over 75 members, we support both Federation and EBA formats of lawn bowls.
Our teams compete in nine local leagues, men's, women's and mixed, as well as various cup competitions and friendlies. We also hold twice-weekly 'roll-ups' for members who prefer not to play in league matches. The club is vibrant with activity during the bowling season, welcoming touring teams and hosting an annual open tournament.
As a friendly and welcoming community hub, we embrace local engagement by inviting school children to play on our bowling green and foster a connection that might inspire future members.
Try Bowling
Caister Bowls Club welcomes new members, experienced and beginners alike. If you have never played bowls before we can offer you tuition and equipment to get you started. Lawn bowls offers low-impact physical activity and social interaction. We have 90 year old members so it is never too late to start.
Lawn bowls is easy to learn but harder to master. The rules are simple and equally, easy to learn. It’s a gentle way to get active. There is also a social side to Caister Bowls Club with quiz nights, fun days and darts nights through the winter.
To get started visit the bowling green on a Thursday or Saturday or call 07988692011 today, you will be pleased that you did.
All the latest club news on Facebook